Flat-fold Flippin’ Phone Stand

Flat-fold Flippin' Phone Stand 3D model

3D Flat-fold Flippin' Phone Stand model

Flat-fold Flippin' Phone Stand

Flat-fold Flippin' Phone Stand

Flat-fold Flippin' Phone Stand

Flat-fold Flippin' Phone Stand

Flat-fold Flippin' Phone Stand

Flat-fold Flippin' Phone Stand

Flat-fold Flippin' Phone Stand

Flat-fold Flippin' Phone Stand

Flat-fold Flippin' Phone Stand

Flat-fold Flippin' Phone Stand

Flat-fold Flippin' Phone Stand

It’s a flat-fold flippin’ phone stand!

This folding phone stand has 5 angle settings: 30°, 45°, 50°, 55° and 60°.

The best thing about it? It can be folded into a 8mm-thick piece of flat plastic!

Suitable for most smartphones not thicker than 12mm.

2D dimensions: 50mm x 60mm (alt. size provided: 50mm x 80mm)
Thickness of each part: 4mm
Holder hook depth: 10.5mm ~ 12.2mm
Holder notches gap: 24mm

No bolts required, just print and assemble. Refer to the instructions.

This thing is created with FreeCAD. Source files included.



1x Backplate
1x Base
2x Hook
1x Stand

Note that for the backplate and hook models, there is a variant with support and it is recommended to use that variant.

For the base and the stand, the given size is 50x60mm, but an alternative size of 50x80mm is available. You can also download the freecad source files and adjust the dimensions yourself (though be extremely careful since changing the constraints will sometimes mess up other parts.

Print Instructions:

Print with no support.
The backplate and hook models already contains custom brim and support for easier printing, but you can choose to print the models without them. Do note that even though cleaning up the support is kind of a PITA, printing without may be even more troublesome.
The recommended layer height is 0.1mm with 0.2mm first layer.
If you use an extra brim, make sure to clean up the brim around the hinge axles.
Cut away the brim and support, and sand if necessary.
Assemble the stand. Do note that there is a flat position on the hinges which allows easier insertion at a certain angle. Use your hand to feel the hinge to decide the insertion angle. Refer to the instruction image.
Flip and place phone on it. 🙂



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zip Flat-fold_Flippin__039;_Phone_Stand 362 KB

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