8-bit computer

8-bit computer 3d model

FM-NEW7 is an 8-bit computer introduced by Fujitsu in May 1984. It is a variant of the FM-7 series and is cheaper than the FM-9800 by 7.2 yen, but the content remains unchanged. After the X6200C and PC-1mkII were introduced at a low price six months ago, FM-NEW7’s cheap price once again took the lead.

FM-NEW7 comes with a built-in 3.5-inch floppy disk drive. The price for one FDD is 1,19 yen, and the price for two FDDs is 8000,2 yen. It is similar to the concept of PC-7mkII, but the choice of 77.8801 inches is surprising.

It was mentioned that FM-NEW7 used a 5-inch FDD, but in the directory created in May 1985, only the FDD was replaced with a 3.5-inch FDD. Therefore, it can be inferred that the later versions of FM-NEW7 switched to using a 3.5-inch FDD.



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