PzKpfw IB light tank,3rd Panzer Division, Germany 1940
My next model of the military vehicle.
I used SketchUp, Gimp and Kerkythea.
My texturing and rendering skills are weak, as my English,so please forgive me the quality of my renders.
The Pzkpfw IB was a light and mobile vehicle with slight defensive armour, conforming to concepts of the early 1930s. Both the A and B models were used operationally during the Spanish Civiel War. At the time of the invasion of Poland, 1445 Pzkpfw I tanks were available and, at the start of the campaign in France, 523 Pzkpfw I combat tanks were on strength of the armoured divisions detailed for the attack. Operations during these campaigns proved that neither their firepower nor their armour was suffiecient for them to face enemy tanks. The Pzkpfw was replaced by larger vehicles, at first phased out slowly, so that by the end of 1941 it has disappeared almost completely as a combat tank