Military Hardware : Exploring Hardsurface Assets

Military Hardware : Exploring Hardsurface Assets 3d model

I am excited to present my latest artwork on ArtStation, a collection of military hardware assets that I have created to further expand my skills in hardsurface modeling. Inspired by the teachings of Tim Bergholz and his invaluable tutorials, I embarked on this project to delve deeper into the intricacies of military equipment design.

By following Tim Bergholz’s expert advice, I was able to enhance my understanding of hardsurface modeling techniques, achieving clean lines, accurate proportions, and realistic material detailing. The assets feature intricate mechanisms, carefully replicated textures, and a careful balance between form and function.

Exploring the world of military hardware has allowed me to challenge myself artistically and technically. It has been a fascinating journey to immerse myself in the study of these objects, understanding their purpose and translating their unique features into digital representations.



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