This is a christmas card for all nerds! I designed this as a greeting for my IT colleagues, hope they’ll like it.
At 100% scale, this is a standard A6 postcard (105mm x 148mm).
What is needed?
Simply use the provided step or stl file and slice it yourself, keeping in mind the suggestions below.
How to print
As the tree components are very thin at 100% scale, you will need to use a relatively thin layer width: I used 0.25mm except for the first layer which I left at 0.5mm using a 0.4mm nozzle. Hence, I suggest to print at at least 100% scale. Layer height doesn’t matter that much, I used 0.2mm.
Although the card might work as a single color print, it was designed – and probably looks best – as a two-color print. You can switch color after exactly 50% of the layers At 100% size, the plate is 3mm thick and the tree is 3mm thick as well, resulting in a total height of the card of 6mm.
As far as material selection is concerned, I used matte and regular PLA for the plate and matte PLA (e.g. white) as well as silk PLA (e.g. gold, silver) for the tree components. However, any material will work.
Depending on your bed adhesion, the bottom layer might be difficult to remove from the bed without damaging the back of the card. For me, it worked best to cool the plate down as much as possible (5 minutes outside while it was snowing turned out to be enough ;-)) before removing the card with a scraper.
No supports or brims required.
Step file is provided for best print results and further modification.