iPhone 12 Floating Magsafe Stand

iPhone 12 Floating Magsafe Stand

A stand for the new lineup of iPhones (iPhone 12, 12 Pro, 12 Mini, 12 Pro Max) that magnetically holds the phone using a Magsafe charger. The stand is completely obscured by the phone, and curves away from the bottom, making it look as if the phone is floating. The Magsafe puck can just be lightly press fit into the stand, but if you want extra security a small piece of double sided tape between the puck and the stand should do the trick. Then thread the USB-C cable through the hole in the back, and press the cable into the indented slot.

The stand was loosely inspired by Verner Panton’s iconic Panton chairs, as the stand has a similar cross-section and profile.

Print Settings

Printer brand: Ultimaker
Printer: Ultimaker 3
Rafts: No
Supports: Yes
Resolution: 0.1
Infill: 25%
Filament_brand: Ultimaker
Filament_color: Silver Metallic
Filament_material: PLA

Support is an absolute must, and though it works best with dual extrusion printers, the support is confined to non visible areas. IMPORTANT: Some slicers will see a few polygons at the very apex of the circle as overhanging and place support there. This will ruin the part’s finish, so place a support blocker to cover the very top of the model.



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zip iPhone+12+Floating+Magsafe+Stand+ 2 MB

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