Has this ever happened to you? You’ve just arrived at the big business building. You’re there for a job interview with the president of big business, and you’re hoping to make a good impression. You’ve done your research, and you know there’s nothing that the president values more than punctuality and perfectly groomed hair.
You walk into the elevator, and as the polished metal doors close, your reflection reveals your greatest fear, your hair is a mess! Your trip to the salon left you with a perfectly manicured hairdo, but your Vespa ride across town has given you a nasty case of helmet hair.
You start to panic, all your preparation will have gone to waste, and your reputation in the business world will never recover. Suddenly, you realize your saving grace is within arm’s reach, dangling from your keychain. You spring into action, drawing the “Miniature Keychain Comb” from your pocket like a mighty sword. You comb your hair into perfect formation with one great sweeping motion. You resheath your comb just as the elevator doors open.
You don’t get the job because your watch battery died 6 weeks ago and you never noticed. You arrived to your interview 11 hours late, everyone has gone home for the day. You’ve blown your big chance, time to go home.
As your sulking through the big business building lobby, you’re spotted by a night custodian. “Nice hair.” says the man. Then you go home, you’re still sad, but your hair looked pretty good. The end!