combine this A+&adafruit-PiTfT enclosure with this controller (+back-frame) for your very own super portable pi-boy classic
this is a homage to the gameboy classic (at ~75% the size 🙂 with a little influence of the SNES-controller (four buttons, and a bigger d-pad)
Note: batteries not included! – this is intended to run of a 5v battery-packs (aka phone chargers) which are quite cheap/compact/abundant nowadays
Inspired by Adafruits very nice Pocket PiGRRL
2015-07-25: added backplate_magnetic: a sturdier variant that holds onto the screws of the controller and the display unit with 5mm diam. x 2mm high magnets.
print the top part (flipped over!), the bottom and the backplane in ABS/PLA and the d-pad and two start/select buttons in ninjaflex (or some other softer material)
cut a perfboard (1,5mm thick) down to fit snug into the bottom part, and populate it with buttons, an attiny861A and some other parts, program, flash and-so-forth
get one of those usb-snes-controllers and rewire one of these
alps 4-way navigation switch (adafruit shop)
colored switches for A B X and Y ( : “DT 6 RT”, “DT 6 BL”, “DT 6 GE”, “DT 6 GN”)
tiny tactile switches ( : “Taster 9302”)
usb plug + kable
countersunk M3x16 screws + nuts