Three Dozen Egg Holder!!
I wanted a egg tray holder that could hold enough eggs that it didn’t need to be reloaded every other day. I also wanted to minimize the space behind the trays in the fridge. This egg tray holder has three trays that will hold 12 eggs each for a total of 36. Each tray can be pulled out and set on the counter for easier access when needing more than a couple of eggs at one time.
Main Design Features
Each tray holds 1 dozen eggs.
The trays can be pulled out and set on the counter while keeping the eggs in place.
The assembly is all friction fit but could be glued together. The side rails for the trays should be glued or melted onto the trays to keep them in place.
Three trays means reloading less often.
The trays and sides are printed in two parts and snap together using tabbed keys. This allowed a longer design to accommodate more eggs. I have printed everything in PLA.
Side Panels
Snap the front and back panels together and align the tabbed keys.
They can be glued but I have not had any issue with them separating without gluing.
Egg Trays:
Snap the two main sections together and press on each tab key to align top surface.
The side rails then slide on each side. I have been gluing the side rails at the front and rear to keep them from moving. They can be melted to the trays as well.
Top & Bottom Brackets:
snap the brackets onto the recessed areas on the top and bottom of the side panels. Careful not to push too hard or the side can buckle at the slide grooves.
The double bracket goes in the middle to help provide support for the vertical seam.
I have put rubber feet on the bottom brackets to help keep it from sliding around in the fridge.
Height: 200mm
Width: 115mm
Length: 310mm (tray tabs at front and back extend 20mm)
SD Studios