The Boeing 747-100, which was launched in 1966, was the original variant of the Boeing 747. Compared to later versions of the 747, the early Boeing 747-100s only had three windows per side on its upper deck. However, after airlines started converting the upper decks of their Boeing 747-100s from lounges into premium class seating, Boeing not only offered its upper deck on the Boeing 747-100 with ten windows per side as an option, some of the earlier three window per side variants were retrofitted accordingly.
Although a freighter version of the Boeing 747-100 was never developed, many passenger Boeing 747-100’s were later converted into freighters because of Boeing engineers and Pan Am CEO, Juan Trippe’s earlier insight to design the passenger version of the Boeing 747-100 accordingly so that it could be easily remanufactured into a freighter.
Boeing built 168 Boeing 747-100s, which includes its iconic prototype, named City of Everett.
Assembly note:
The nose landing gear wheels should be connected using a piece of 1,75 mm filament.
Model dimensions
Length: 47,8 cm
Wingspan: 43,2 cm
Print settings:
Layer height: 0,2mm
Outer walls/perimeters: 2
Bottom layers: 3
Top layers: 5
Infill: 0% (except for fuselage fwd.stl, fuselage mid.stl and stand.stl: 25%)
Minimum layer time: 5 sec
Perimeter generator: classic (not arachne)
Minimum required print volume is 81x102x180mm.