OnShape Project Linked in STL section. This tool keychain is designed for a 6mm x 3mm magnet (or choose the no magnet option).
To print the single part option, print “Hammer PIP Magnet” or “Hammer PIP No Magnet.” No supports are required.
To print the assembly, print:
The Hammer Head (choose magnet or no magnet)
Hammer Head Cap
Handle V2 texture (use the Adhesion version if you’re having issues with bed adhesion. Just cut away the bottom circle when done)
The cap and handle should be printed the same color (or not). Everything is meant to press fit together with very tight tolerances. If you are having trouble fitting them, trying scaling down the handle and cap or scaling up the hammer head slightly. If you print is too loose just use your glue of choice.
Note that the hammer handle should be printed with an aggressive brim (see photo). The print looks better when printed in this orientation.