Modular SciFi Outpost – Towers

Modular SciFi Outpost - Towers

I created terrain pieces to create a modular outpost for 28mm wargaming,

The files here form a tower, with two options, one being as a straight wall and the other one being as a corner piece.

Simply glue BasicOutpostWall, TowerFront and OutpostUpperWall together by using the StandardConnector. Do this twice for a corner piece and glue the InnerEdgeConnector to one side. Then place (if you want) the magnet connectors in the edges (using 5mm magnets). Glue the OutpostStuetze next to them and then place the OutpostFloor or OutpostFloorEdge on top, similar to the straight piece or the corner piece. Use the UpperSideHolders to stabilise the Tower Front. Now, add another InnerEdgeConnector on top of the floor and then glue the OutpostFloorFull or OutpostFloorFullHole on top. Connect OutpostUpperWall with TowerSide or TowerBack (only for the straight piece) and add the pieces to the tower. Use InnerEdgeConnector_48 to stabilise the TowerSide pieces, InnerEdgeConnector_24 to stabilise all OutpostUpperWall pieces and InnerEdgeConnector_12 to stabilise the small sides of TowerSide or TowerBack. Be sure to glue the TowerStuetze (resp. TowerStuetzeEdge) togehter with TowerStuetzeUnten and TowerBolt to the bottom of the tower floor before you add the 12mm edge connectors.



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