Inspired in design by the Meiji Type 26 Revolver, Norwegian Landstad 1900 Autorevolver, Andor’s Bryar blaster, and the blaster used by Darca Nyl from the “Nomad” comic from Star Wars Tales Volume 6. It was a lot of fun making this, mainly because I was making it up as I go. I certainly liked how the red symbol near the “hammer” turned out and I threw in the Yasaburo insignia from Star Wars Visions because I liked the design. Also, it just felt strange that a group of yakuza were starting a rebellion with nothing but melee weapons against the galactic empire, so I thought to myself “if they had blasters, maybe they’d look kinda outdated with a couple of unique functions born from desperation?” The bottom tube is meant to serve as an ascension cable/saber dart launcher.
Modeled in Maya 2023 and textured in Adobe Substance Painter.