Here’s a lantern model i created. It took me about 600g of PLA. I recommend more perimeters as I used only 2 perimeters and I got some shine through so that’s why i listed 3-5 perimeters. It has added supports for the bridge to come out better. There’s also a hole in the bottom to glue something weighty in if you want to put it outside. To assemble it you just screw the two parts together. If the holes haven’t printed correctly you can melt them out with something hot. I put a string in the ball on top but you can put anything you want.
Recommended settings:
15% cubic infill,
215 deegres celcius for the first layer and 210 for other layers,
3-5 perimeters,
0.2mm layer height.
supports: for the hat: enabled, though i disabled them for some parts inside to save material, for the bottom: I disabled them to once again save material but it’s really up to you.