Designed to combine the zen and tao tradition by unifying the ying yang symbol and a zen garden inside.
The Yin Yang is designed to fit one plant pot with organic tree inside. My desire is that when printed Ying should have darker colour as a representation black or grey should fit, and the yang spot inside is represented with the plant pot in lighter colour, wood or white could be fine. While for the Yang should be the opposite, light colours white or wood and the plant pot grey or black.
The design can fit together as table center or separated to transmit relax and peace.
Included STL and STEP files, 3MF file is intended for bambulab slicer.
Plant pot original design, to fit yin and yang stand should be at 70 % down scaled , for all printers Tree support planter pot from pwillemske @pwillemske_881486
Design I made for bambulab, can keep original size, Plant pot with organic support from Rival@Rival_662952
Rakes from Desktop Zen Garden credits to EddiePrints@EddiePrints