The Britons castle age town center from AoE 2.
The original sprite doesn’t show the entire story in terms of first ground props, so I’ve partially gone by the sprite, and partially positioned them to make everything connected together. Lots of barrels and boxes and bricks and such.
Print Settings
Rafts: No
Supports: Yes
Resolution: 0.16
Infill: 15
Here’s the deal for FDM printers:
Print towncenter_top.stl without any supports. (Maybe a little brim if you’re concerned about the middle posts but I think it’s unnecessary).
Print towncenter_bottom.stl with supports from build plate (70 degree should do it) and a massive brim (or a raft if you feel like going overkill). Everything technically connects together without it, but I’ve had outer poles detach from the plate during print without a brim so…
Afterwards, clean both parts up and glue them together top to bottom. If you plan on painting, perhaps do the internals before the assembly, it ought to be easier.